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Finanze > Teller
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💰 Finanze


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💰 Finanze
💰 Finanze
Tellers typically work for commercial or community banks, but they can also work for credit unions. They work closely with other Tellers and banking staff to oversee business operations and support customer needs. Their job is to record deposits, withdrawals or other banking activities and monitor available cash inventory to meet cash withdrawal requests. They may also be responsible for selling bonds, cashier or traveler’s checks to customers upon request.
Cosa fa un Teller?
A Teller, or Bank Teller, is responsible for interacting with customers who want to withdraw or deposit money into their bank accounts. Their duties include following bank policies to ensure ethical business practices, greeting customers and helping them with their needs and speaking with customers about new products and other offerings at their bank location.
Un Teller dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Teller dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Receive checks, money, debit and credit payments from clients.
  • Solve any issues that pertain to the transactions.
  • Answer all accounts- and banking-related inquiries.
  • Follow company procedures to count and manage all the funds they receive from customers.
  • Build and maintain customer relations by providing high-quality services.
  • Use the provided electronics to document all transactions they conduct during their shift.
Competenze richieste
Un Teller competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Strong written and spoken communication skills
  • Computer knowledge
  • Basic math skills
  • Good customer relations skills
  • Knowledge of how to balance ledgers and manage the cash drawer
  • Understanding of financial terms, practices and laws
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