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Software Architect

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💻 IT
💻 IT
Software Architects serve a leadership role on software development teams. Software Architects are instrumental in planning the basic function of a software application based on the needs of a client. They communicate with stakeholders about the problems they’re experiencing and determine how to address those issues through software. Software Architects track each aspect of an application to make sure that their team is producing the appropriate infrastructure to host a functioning software application. They implement tests, identify bugs and correct lines of code to ensure the software program works correctly, tracking major changes and patches.
Cosa fa un Software Architect?
A Software Architect, or Technical Architect, is in charge of using computer code to design and develop software applications, planning the different features of a program and integrating them into a functioning system. Their duties include determining the technical specifications of a project, creating technical blueprints and editing code.
Un Software Architect dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Software Architect dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Evaluating, identifying and developing software solutions
  • Documenting and recording every aspect of an application or software
  • Training and overseeing the activities of the members of the development team
  • Planning, tracking and scheduling software deliverables
  • Locating and directing solutions for critical challenges involving software and hardware interface
Competenze richieste
Un Software Architect competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Broad understanding of coding and programming languages
  • Experience with database design and data modeling
  • Extensive knowledge of the software development process and corresponding technologies
  • Excellent understanding of design patterns and architectural styles
  • Good understanding of enterprise service bus (ESB) platforms, including BizTalk and MuleSoft
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