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Social Worker

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Social Workers typically work for various institutions, including schools, hospitals, mental health clinics, non-profit organizations and government agencies, to support clients in a specialized area. They work closely with healthcare professionals, Law Enforcement Officers, School Counselors and Probation Officers to relay information about their clients and their progress. Their job is to encourage their clients to maintain a healthy lifestyle, talk about their feelings and pursue their hobbies while also learning to live with their illnesses and past traumas.
Cosa fa un Social Worker?
A Social Worker, or Case Worker, is responsible for managing multiple clients and their individual needs. Their duties include meeting with clients and their loved ones to discuss recent successes or setbacks to their situations, developing treatment plans for clients with mental illnesses or clients recovering from traumatic events and frequently communicating with clients to ensure their physical and mental health.
Un Social Worker dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Social Worker dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Evaluate patients (existing, new and prospective) based on their needs, limitations and desires
  • Address patient concerns and goals while maintaining constant communication with the patient as well as a case manager
  • Build rapport with patients and their families
  • Coordinate care with PT and OT departments
  • Develop care plans for patients
Competenze richieste
Un Social Worker competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work
  • 5+ years of clinical social work experience
  • Knowledge of specific software programs used within your organization
  • Excellent listening and communication skills
  • Ability to make psychosocial assessments and develop and implement care plans
  • Bilingual preferred
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