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Salon Manager

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A salon manager works to make a salon as profitable as possible. This begins by ensuring that the salon has highly trained, professional staff on-site during all hours of operation to provide services. They also establish customer service standards for staff to follow and step in to perform services during busy times. Through careful ordering, they keep supplies and products well-stocked without wasting money on excess inventory. To promote the salon, they may create social media posts, run ads in local publications, hold special events or cross-promote with other local businesses.
Cosa fa un Salon Manager?
A salon manager keeps salons running smoothly and fosters an environment where employees enjoy working and clients receive top-notch service.
Un Salon Manager dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Salon Manager dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Recruiting, hiring, training and coaching salon staff
  • Inventorying salon supplies and reordering as needed
  • Monitoring staff’s completion of continuing education requirement needed to maintain licensure
  • Marketing the salon to attract new customers
  • Performing salon services for customers as needed
Competenze richieste
Un Salon Manager competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Organizational skills to track inventory, create schedules and handle other clerical tasks
  • Effective oral communication skills to interact with staff and clients
  • Interviewing skills to recruit quality candidates for open positions
  • Ability to use spreadsheets, customer management software and word processing programs
  • Basic knowledge of accounting to track purchasing expenses and work within a budget
  • Adequate written communication skills to develop policies, craft social media posts and perform other writing tasks
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