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🛒 Vendita

Sales Engineer

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🛒 Vendita
🛒 Vendita
Sales Engineers are a key part of the sales team for a technically complex product or service. They often work in business-to-business sales, outfitting other companies with equipment and technology to improve their operations, optimize customer satisfaction and increase profits. Sales Engineers meet with sales leads and customers to discuss how their products can fulfill the consumer’s technical needs.
Cosa fa un Sales Engineer?
A Sales Engineer, or Customer Engineer, is a sales professional who specializes in understanding all of the technical aspects of a technical product and explaining them to potential consumers. Their duties include consulting on product development, explaining product features to customers during live demonstrations and negotiating contract terms.
Un Sales Engineer dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Sales Engineer dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Prepare and give technical presentations to explain to customers how the products and services work.
  • Work with the customers and Engineers to ensure the equipment meets the system requirements.
  • Communicate with the sales team to understand consumer demands and offer sales support where necessary.
  • Secure orders, guarantee product standards and assure product delivery.
  • Plan for modifications to products to meet consumer demands.
  • Recommend new and improved products to the customers and explain how the equipment will be more cost-effective.
Competenze richieste
Un Sales Engineer competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Reliable technical background
  • Good marketing skills and business sense
  • Ability to work with others as a team
  • Ability to build client relationships easily
  • High-level organizational skills for maintaining sales territory
  • Self-confidence to support persuasion and sales efforts
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