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Quality Manager

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Quality Managers work at manufacturing plants to make sure that the products being sent out meet consumer expectations. It’s their responsibility to train their staff to recognize defects and imperfections at all stages of the manufacturing and packaging process to uphold consistent quality standards. Quality Managers communicate expectations to staff and observe production processes to identify the causes of common types of mistakes or defects. They research ways to limiting human error on the production line, track the impact of different policies on defective parts. Quality Managers determine how much waste results from errors on the production line.
Cosa fa un Quality Manager?
A Quality Manager, or Quality Assurance Manager, is in charge of supervising the production process to make sure that all products meet consistent standards. Their duties include developing and implementing quality control tests, inspecting products at various stages and writing reports documenting production issues.
Un Quality Manager dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Quality Manager dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Implementing methods to inspect, test and evaluate products and production equipment
  • Preparing reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing data
  • Working according to deadlines for the delivery of products
  • Training and managing production line staff in production practices and quality assessment of goods
  • Tracking products through the manufacturing process to guarantee that each part of the process is correct
Competenze richieste
Un Quality Manager competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Familiarity with quality standards and processes to follow federal, state and local regulations
  • Communication skills to convey information in reports, meetings and status reports
  • Knowledge of the product to perform accurate quality control
  • Attention to detail
  • Analysis, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to review systems, find flaws and pose solutions to those flaws
  • Ability to handle stress
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