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Property Manager

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🚀 Amministrazione
🚀 Amministrazione
Property Managers typically work for apartment complexes and housing communities to assist tenants with maintenance requests and oversee the process of preparing properties for new tenants. They work closely with Leasing Agents to address tenant issues and changes to rental agreements. Their job is to maintain relationships with local landscaping, plumbing or electrical services to coordinate routine or emergency requests from tenants. They may also be responsible for performing inspections after tenants leave to make sure they didn’t cause any damage to the property during the time of their lease.
Cosa fa un Property Manager?
A Property Manager, or Residential Property Manager, is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of residential properties and tenant satisfaction. Their duties include scheduling routine maintenance like landscaping, mowing lawns, replacing roof tiles or changing air vents, overseeing a team of resident and maintenance staff and enforcing rental terms.
Un Property Manager dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Property Manager dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Collecting rent and other property fees from tenants and individual owners
  • Paying property expenses, including taxes, mortgages, payroll, insurance premiums and maintenance costs
  • Reporting the property’s financial status, occupancy and expiring leases to property owners
  • Meeting potential tenants, showing them the property and assessing their applications in accordance with anti-discrimination laws
  • Advertising vacant properties and hiring a leasing agent to find tenants as needed
  • Inspecting properties and arranging for repairs and new materials as required
Competenze richieste
Un Property Manager competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Customer service and interpersonal skills needed to meet with prospective and current tenants
  • Good verbal communication
  • Good verbal communication
  • Attention to detail to ensure applications are accurate and tenant issues or questions are adequately addressed
  • Organization and the ability to multitask efficiently
  • Problem-solving to find effective solutions for a variety of potential issues
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