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Production Supervisor

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A Production Supervisor oversees a company’s production operations. In most cases, Production Supervisors are in charge of a specific division but, in some cases, they can manage entire operations. One of their major responsibilities is ensuring that materials and supplies are in a positive flow. They should also ensure that machines are functional and the production facilities adhere to safety standards.
Cosa fa un Production Supervisor?
Production Supervisors ensure all manufacturing goes smoothly and efficiently by closely monitoring how employees organize their workflows.
Un Production Supervisor dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Production Supervisor dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Supervising operations within a facility to achieve higher output
  • Organizing training and educational manuals for the production team
  • Assisting in the recruitment and onboarding of new hires
  • Ensuring compliance with safety and professional standards within a facility
  • Organizing, monitoring, and prioritizing tasks to meet production goals
  • Evaluating various stations of the production operation to ensure optimum efficiency
Competenze richieste
Un Production Supervisor competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Knowledge of manufacturing tools and equipment
  • IT skills, especially using data analysis software
  • Excellent organization, communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent problem-solving skills, and a strong work ethic
  • Ability to create and adhere to production processes
  • Ability to write reports legibly and accurately
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