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Educazione > Principal
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🎓 Educazione
🎓 Educazione
Principals make sure that an elementary, middle or high school is operating efficiently by overseeing Teachers and students every day. They’ll hire and train Teachers and other team members who work at the institution. Principals will also develop codes and policies for their Teachers to follow and will consistently enforce these guidelines. They’ll build and maintain budgets for the school and make sure it remains in stable financial standing. Principals also work closely with board members and parents to communicate any important announcements or information regarding the school and its students. They’re also responsible for creating building and guest policies to keep everyone safe at all times.
Cosa fa un Principal?
A Principal, or Public School Principal, oversees the daily activities and operations within a school. Their main duties include disciplining or advising students, approving Teachers’ curriculums and ensuring the school environment is safe for all students and staff members.
Un Principal dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Principal dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Ensuring that academic policies and curriculum are followed
  • Developing and tracking benchmarks for measuring institutional success
  • Helping teachers maximize their teaching potential
  • Meeting and listening to concerns of students on a regular basis
  • Encouraging, guiding and assisting student leaders and teachers
  • Meeting with parents and administrators on a regular basis for problem resolution
Competenze richieste
Un Principal competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • A Master’s degree in education is considered the minimum qualifying credential. However, in some cases, a Bachelor’s degree in education with at least 5 years in a leadership role may also be acceptable
  • Minimum of two years of working experience as a school leader or principal
  • Communication skills to develop a productive educational experience for both teachers and students
  • Problem solving skills to enhance teacher performance and improve student grades
  • Valid teaching license
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