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Pipe Fitter

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Pipe Fitters are welding and plumbing professionals who install and apply routine maintenance to buildings’ pipe systems and fixtures. They’ll inspect a work area to see if there are any potential damages or hazards that could affect potential pipe systems. Once inspected, they’ll clear any obstructions and will begin studying blueprints and planning where to place and install the pipe systems.
Cosa fa un Pipe Fitter?
A Pipe Fitter, or Pipefitter, installs and manages the upkeep of various pipe equipment and systems. Their main duties include reviewing plumbing system blueprints, fixing pipe and plumbing systems and ensuring pipes meet the proper specifications.
Un Pipe Fitter dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Pipe Fitter dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Inspecting and repairing pipes running to related equipment, such as radiators and HVAC units
  • Providing estimates on the cost of parts and labor
  • Making recommendations about necessary repairs or changes to plumbing systems
  • Meeting with clients and/or customers to determine their plumbing needs
Competenze richieste
Un Pipe Fitter competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • Technical skills to do their job accurately, including math and science skills
  • Customer service skills, as Pipe Fitters must communicate with clients or customers on a daily basis
  • Physical capabilities, as Pipe Fitters work in a physically demanding field and must be able to fit into tight spaces
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