HR > Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator
Training Coordinators typically work for corporations across industries or as part of training consultant firms to provide companies with beneficial training ideas based on new and existing employee needs. They work closely with HR staff to coordinate training for employee onboarding procedures or individual departments. Their job is to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of training topics or technologies and company policies. They may also be responsible for teaching one or more training courses or hiring training personnel to perform specific duties.
A Training Coordinator, or Training Program Coordinator, is responsible for developing unique training courses and programs for companies and their employees. Their duties include speaking with department heads and HR personnel to determine training needs, implementing training programs into company procedures and reviewing data from previous training programs to determine their success in helping employees learn about the company or a particular skill.
Training Coordinator harus mampu memenuhi berbagai tugas dan tanggung jawab. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus dapat dilakukan oleh Training Coordinator:
- Create training schedules for all company departments, track and create reports on outcomes of all training and maintain training records for the company.
- Train new hires on company policies and procedures and use the best training methods for a specific purpose or audience.
- Gather and evaluate information from employees and management on previous training to identify weaknesses and areas that need additional training.
- Attend seminars and meetings to learn new training methods and techniques and use the knowledge to prepare and coordinate future training sessions.
- Recruit and train new Trainers, delegate training tasks to the new Trainers and evaluate performance.
- Market company training opportunities to employees and provide information on benefits to encourage participation.
Training Coordinator yang kompetitif akan memiliki keterampilan dan kualifikasi tertentu, termasuk:
- Excellent time management skills, public speaking skills, problem-solving skills and both verbal and written communication skills
- Proficiency in word processing and presentation software
- Ability to operate media equipment such as projectors and personal computers
- Knowledge about traditional and modern training methods and techniques
- Exceptional organization skills, leadership and interpersonal skills
- Knowledgeable about learning management systems, instructional design and e-learning platforms
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