Sport > Therepeautic Recreation Specialist
Therepeautic Recreation Specialist
A Recreation Therapy Specialist is a medical professional that works with disabled and infirm individuals to improve their quality of life and medical care experience. They coordinate with the company care team to develop entertaining programs that fulfill clients’ unique emotional and social needs. Thru direct contact with clients on a one-on-one therapy basis and individual assessments, recreation therapy specialists develop and implement strategies to improve clients’ mental wellbeing in individual and group activities. In addition, a recreation therapy specialist may assist with other work-related areas as needed, such as during group outings or meal times.
Recreation Therapy Specialists, or Recreation Specialists, work with ill and disabled clients to develop and design programs that improve their quality of life in various ways. Their duties include assessing clients’ needs, creating immersive programs and activities with client goals in mind, and coordinating treatment with other providers.
Egy Therepeautic Recreation Specialist képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy különféle kötelezettségeket és felelősségeket teljesítsen. Az alábbiakban felsorolunk néhány olyan kötelezettséget és felelősséget, amelyet a Therepeautic Recreation Specialistnek végre kell hajtania:
- Assess new client’s skills and abilities
- Create goals with clients and design programs to reach those goals
- Implement therapeutic activities into individual and group sessions and monitor progress
- Work with the treatment team to assess client progress and improve programs
- Provide community referrals to clients when appropriate or requested
- Maintain client records documenting treatment attempts and progress notes
Egy versenyképes Therepeautic Recreation Specialist bizonyos készségekkel és képesítésekkel rendelkezik, beleértve:
- Excellent communication skills, including patience and empathy. that enable them to interact with clients who may have communication barriers
- Knowledge of human growth and development
- Competency in the ability to find and interpret information about a patient’s needs and assess them in an age and ability-appropriate manner
- A good understanding of the range of treatment needed by the patients
- Familiarity with current technology and assistive devices that clients’ may benefit from using or require for their daily living activities
- Competency with current assessment tools and practices
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