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Quality Control Inspector

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Quality Control Inspectors work at production facilities and retail locations to make sure that products being produced or sold meet the expectations of the consumer. They examine materials to make sure they meet quality expectations then assess the final product after production. Their role is to establish an acceptable variation range for products and identify when something fails to meet those requirements. Quality Control Inspectors document the results of their inspections and make recommendations on how to prevent common errors or defects. They calibrate the equipment they use to measure products to make sure they get an accurate reading on all pieces of inventory. They fill out paperwork to identify discarded inventory and measure the error rate for various stages in the supply and production chain.
Mit csinál a Quality Control Inspector?
A Quality Control Inspector, or Quality Assurance Inspector, is responsible for making sure that products meet a set of standards. Their duties include examining shipments of inventory and raw goods, measuring the specifications of random items in each production run and training team members to refine production quality.
Egy Quality Control Inspector képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy különféle kötelezettségeket és felelősségeket teljesítsen. Az alábbiakban felsorolunk néhány olyan kötelezettséget és felelősséget, amelyet a Quality Control Inspectornek végre kell hajtania:
  • Inspecting output samples using industry-appropriate methods, such as comparing to standards, measuring dimensions and examining functionality
  • Checking that the assembly or production line adheres to standards and procedures and complying with legal requirements
  • Reviewing blueprints and specifications to compare to produced goods
  • Recording inspection results by completing reports, summarizing re-works and wastes and inputting data into quality database
  • Training the production team on quality control measures to improve product excellence
  • Proposing improvements to the production process
Szükséges készségek
Egy versenyképes Quality Control Inspector bizonyos készségekkel és képesítésekkel rendelkezik, beleértve:
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Keen attention to detail
  • Basic computer and math skills to calibrate and measure specifications
  • Ability to use measuring devices like gauges, meters, calipers and computers
  • Up-to-date knowledge of federal and industry standards and best practices
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