Támogatás > Procurement Specialist
Procurement Specialist
Procurement Specialists work for retail and supply chain businesses to procure various materials for the company’s products. They’ll spend time researching and finding suppliers that produce quality items within the business’ budget. Procurement Specialists are typically given key business criteria and must ensure that all of the products follow this criteria and specification list. They’re also responsible for gathering and preparing documents like quotes, proposals and purchase terms and conditions from suppliers for their supervisor to review. Once suppliers are hired, the Procurement Specialist will carefully analyze and monitor them and will record their performance. They’ll also be one of the supplier’s main points of contact and will answer any questions or address concerns the supplier has.
A Procurement Specialist, or Purchasing Specialist, acquires a company’s various supplies. Their main duties include locating key suppliers, negotiating the company’s purchasing agreements and making sure their materials and products meet the company’s specifications.
Egy Procurement Specialist képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy különféle kötelezettségeket és felelősségeket teljesítsen. Az alábbiakban felsorolunk néhány olyan kötelezettséget és felelősséget, amelyet a Procurement Specialistnek végre kell hajtania:
- Purchase goods or services that meet the quantity and quality expectations of the organization
- Evaluate and negotiate contracts with vendors
- Track inventory and restock goods when needed
- Stay up to date on industry trends and new products
- Compare available goods with industry trends to determine appropriate pricing
Egy versenyképes Procurement Specialist bizonyos készségekkel és képesítésekkel rendelkezik, beleértve:
- Communication: Strong verbal and written communication skills are a requirement for Procurement Specialists. They use these skills to determine their company’s product needs and to create constructive relationships with vendors.
- Project management: Procurement Specialists often manage multiple projects at one time. The ability to plan, delegate and evaluate progress toward goals is necessary for managing these projects.
- Negotiation: Procurement Specialists are in charge of negotiating vendor contracts, so they must understand price points and be able to negotiate effectively.
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