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Egészség > Neurosurgeon
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💊 Egészség
💊 Egészség
Neurosurgeons work at hospitals and surgery centers to provide specialized surgical care related to neurological conditions and injuries. They collaborate with Neurologists, Nurses and General Practitioners to identify the likely cause of a patient’s chronic pain, discomfort, mood swings or other symptoms. Neurosurgeons decide which surgical techniques have the best chance of success and research other similar cases to refine their strategy. They communicate with patients about the surgery and the recovery process before beginning the operation. Neurosurgeons often conduct research on brain trauma, neurological disorders and surgical techniques as part of their role.
Mit csinál a Neurosurgeon?
A Neurosurgeon, or Brain Surgeon, is responsible for using surgical techniques to diagnose and treat problems with the nervous system, including the brain and spine. Their duties include ordering tests for patients based on their neurological symptoms, operating robotic mechanisms to perform non-invasive procedures, and removing brain and spinal tumors.
Egy Neurosurgeon képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy különféle kötelezettségeket és felelősségeket teljesítsen. Az alábbiakban felsorolunk néhány olyan kötelezettséget és felelősséget, amelyet a Neurosurgeonnek végre kell hajtania:
  • Assessing and diagnosing patients to determine if and what kind of surgery they may need
  • Meeting with the families of patients to keep them updated on the patient’s condition and surgery details
  • Keeping records of patients, their diagnosis and medical history
  • Writing prescriptions for patients for all needed medication dealing with their condition
  • Filling out all paperwork involved in each process
  • Performing any emergency surgeries that may come by, such as patients with a stroke or aneurysm
Szükséges készségek
Egy versenyképes Neurosurgeon bizonyos készségekkel és képesítésekkel rendelkezik, beleértve:
  • Motor skills are a must in order to keep hands steady during a procedure and good hand-eye coordination to avoid any slips
  • Teamwork skills help when it comes to working with nurses, technical staff, other doctors and any medical students in the workplace
  • Leadership skills to manage the team within the operating room easily
  • Critical thinking skills to come up with creative decisions quickly and efficiently in emergency situations
  • Physical stamina to handle the high number of patients they may have at a time and the long hours that come with the job
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