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PM > Business Manager
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Business Manager

🕒 PM
🕒 PM
Business Managers typically work for corporations or small businesses, providing leadership for a company branch or primary business location. They maintain company budgets, communicate ideas between upper management and company employees and conduct performance reviews for employees. Their job is to lead their employees in accordance with company goals and values. They come up with training programs to help employees learn how to use new equipment or software and address employee complaints made to HR. They may also determine pay grades for each of their employees and determine who receives bonuses when available.
Mit csinál a Business Manager?
A Business Manager, or Office Manager, is responsible for overseeing business operations across departments. Their duties include hiring new staff, conducting office meetings and coming up with proactive strategies to improve productivity and employee morale.
Egy Business Manager képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy különféle kötelezettségeket és felelősségeket teljesítsen. Az alábbiakban felsorolunk néhány olyan kötelezettséget és felelősséget, amelyet a Business Managernek végre kell hajtania:
  • Supervise clerical staff and other employees.
  • Design work schedules and organize employee training.
  • Resolve employee and client issues.
  • Ensure the work facility is safe, free of security issues and in compliance with all government regulations.
  • Work with outside vendors to maintain necessary business supplies.
  • Maintain a good working relationship with executives and other managers.
  • Design and implement procedures to improve profitability.
Szükséges készségek
Egy versenyképes Business Manager bizonyos készségekkel és képesítésekkel rendelkezik, beleértve:
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Good interpersonal and problem-solving skills
  • Basic computer skills
  • Ability to analyze company procedures to make improvements
  • Ability to create work schedules and budgets
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