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क्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल
सभी ऑफर 1
सभी ऑफर
IT > Computer Technician
सभी ऑफर 2
💻 IT
शेयर करना

Computer Technician

💻 IT
💻 IT
Computer Technicians typically work for corporations within the IT department to set up, maintain and repair computer systems for employees across departments. They work closely with other IT personnel to troubleshoot hardware problems and install new equipment. Their job is to use their knowledge of computers to ensure that company employees have up-to-date hardware and software to complete their jobs properly. They may also be responsible for helping company employees learn how to use software programs and hardware.
Computer Technician क्या करता है?
A Computer Technician, or Computer Support Technician, is responsible for maintaining computer systems within a business setting. Their duties include installing computers, routers and other hardware, updating or repairing existing systems and troubleshooting problems with hardware.
एक Computer Technician को विभिन्न कर्तव्यों और जिम्मेदारियों को पूरा करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। निम्नलिखित कुछ कर्तव्य और जिम्मेदारियाँ हैं जिन्हें एक Computer Technician को निष्पादित करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए:
  • Paying close attention to the user’s description of their computer problem and asking questions to identify the problem and determine how to solve it
  • Training users on how the use of new hardware or software
  • Testing and evaluating the organization’s computer network
  • Troubleshooting network problems and individual user hardware or software problems
  • Setting up or repairing computer hardware and other associated devices such as printers and scanners
आवश्यक कुशलता
प्रतिस्पर्धी Computer Technician के पास कुछ कौशल और योग्यताएँ होंगी, जिनमें शामिल हैं:
  • Communication skills
  • Listening skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical skills
इसी तरह के ऑफर
यदि आप किसी Computer Technician से संबंधित पदों के लिए भर्ती कर रहे हैं, तो समान भूमिकाओं के लिए हमारे नौकरी विवरण देखें:
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