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Tax Associate

💰 Finances
💰 Finances
A Tax Associate ensures that the clients of your financial services firm, accounting office or tax preparation service can easily and accurately file their taxes. They handle everything from analyzing financial records and researching uncommon tax issues to completing forms on behalf of clients, allowing your company to provide exceptional service. By remaining familiar with tax rules and regulations, they keep clients in compliance with federal, state and local laws and help prevent underpayment that can result in penalties. In addition, they save clients money by identifying applicable deductions and providing general tax advice.
Que fait un Tax Associate ?
The main responsibility of a Tax Associate is to ensure that clients pay the correct amount of taxes owed to government agencies.
Un Tax Associate doit être capable de remplir diverses fonctions et responsabilités. Voici quelques fonctions et responsabilités qu'un Tax Associate doit être capable d'exécuter :
  • Organizing and analyzing clients’ financial information
  • Taking advantage of opportunities to minimize tax liability through deductions
  • Preparing necessary forms for filing taxes
  • Advising clients about tax liabilities and other tax-related matters
  • Filing tax returns on paper or electronically on behalf of clients
  • Keeping abreast of current IRS and state and local tax rules and regulations and ensuring full compliance
Compétences requises
Un Tax Associate compétitif aura certaines compétences et qualifications, notamment :
  • Analytical skills to review financial information
  • Arithmetic and accounting skills to correctly complete tax forms
  • Strong written and oral communication skills to explain information to clients
  • Extensive knowledge of IRS rules and regulations as well as state and local tax laws
  • Familiarity with tax preparation and accounting software and electronic tax filing systems
  • Multitasking skills to handle multiple clients’ tax preparations at the same time
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