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Ingénierie > Security Engineer
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💥 Ingénierie

Security Engineer

💥 Ingénierie
💥 Ingénierie
Security Engineers typically work in a variety of settings and industries, including both the public and private sector. This technical position involves identifying threats and vulnerabilities in the company’s IT systems and software architecture and preparing for potential threats that could disrupt the company’s operations. They also test security systems to monitor and improve performance. Security Engineers advise management on policies and procedures related to the IT industry. The role requires in-depth expertise in specific hard skills such as networking and protocols.
Que fait un Security Engineer ?
A Security Engineer, or Security Administrator, handles the digital security for their company or clients. Their duties include building digital security protocols, operating a cyber security system and maintaining an IT security infrastructure for their organization or their clients’ organizations.
Un Security Engineer doit être capable de remplir diverses fonctions et responsabilités. Voici quelques fonctions et responsabilités qu'un Security Engineer doit être capable d'exécuter :
  • Develop, execute and track the performance of security measures to protect information and network infrastructure and computer systems.
  • Design computer security strategy and engineer comprehensive cybersecurity architecture.
  • Configure, troubleshoot and maintain security infrastructure software and hardware.
  • Install software that monitors systems and networks for security breaches and intrusions.
  • Plan, develop, implement and update company’s information security strategy.
Compétences requises
Un Security Engineer compétitif aura certaines compétences et qualifications, notamment :
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or a related field
  • Five or more years’ work experience as a System Security Engineer or related position
  • Proven experience developing, operating and maintaining security systems
  • Extensive knowledge of operating system and database security
  • Proficiency in networking technologies, network security and network monitoring solutions
  • Knowledge of security systems including anti-virus applications, content filtering, firewalls, authentication systems and intrusion detection and notification systems
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