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School Nurse

💊 Santé
💊 Santé
School Nurses work in nursery, elementary and high schools and provide medical care for students throughout the school day. They administer routine medications and provide basic first aid for minor injuries, and they oversee school wellness programs. School Nurse are also responsible for stabilizing severely ill or injured students until parents, guardians or emergency services arrive.
Que fait un School Nurse ?
School Nurses are responsible for providing medical assistance to school-age students, and they complete multiple tasks each day ranging from assessing minor injuries to requesting emergency services.
Un School Nurse doit être capable de remplir diverses fonctions et responsabilités. Voici quelques fonctions et responsabilités qu'un School Nurse doit être capable d'exécuter :
  • Conducting student hearing and vision screenings
  • Dispensing prescription medications to students per physician instructions
  • Taking students’ temperatures when fever is suspected
  • Treating minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes and bruises
  • Contacting parents when students are ill or injured
Compétences requises
Un School Nurse compétitif aura certaines compétences et qualifications, notamment :
  • Standard clinical skills to dispense medications and treat minor ailments and injuries
  • Basic math skills to ensure proper dosage amounts when dispensing medications
  • Good communication skills to work with students and parents
  • Ability to demonstrate a calm, caring demeanor when working with children
  • Ability to remain focused in the event of a student medical emergency
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