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Marketing > Public Relations Account Manager
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Public Relations Account Manager

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Public Relations Account Managers provide consultations and lead media campaigns at public relations firms or at large corporations that have a dedicated PR department. They assess public opinion of their clients and create an action plan for generating positive attention and aligning media buzz with their client’s goals. Informing the public about new initiatives, responding to criticisms and concerns, highlighting community outreach and building industry relationships are all key purposes of a Public Relations Account Manager. Public Relations Account Managers are essential to an organization because they help shape a brand’s identity, reputation and profile.
Que fait un Public Relations Account Manager ?
A Public Relations Account Manager is responsible for managing information between their clients and the general public in order to grow brands and drive sales for clients. Their duties typically involve creating news items, press releases and product placements to influence public opinion and behavior and promote products or clients to their audiences.
Un Public Relations Account Manager doit être capable de remplir diverses fonctions et responsabilités. Voici quelques fonctions et responsabilités qu'un Public Relations Account Manager doit être capable d'exécuter :
  • Coming up with positive news coverage about clients or products
  • Cooperating with clients and media on a daily basis to come up with news content
  • Researching, drafting and issuing press releases to the news media and blogs
  • Building strong relationships with clients, the media and other employees in the company
  • Constantly monitoring the news media, social media and blogs to find new opportunities for clients
  • Working with the accounts team to craft client proposals and help implement PR activities
Compétences requises
Un Public Relations Account Manager compétitif aura certaines compétences et qualifications, notamment :
  • Excellent digital and traditional communication skills
  • Knowledge of public relations and client service
  • Relationship building and networking skills
  • Emotional and interpersonal intelligence
  • In-depth understanding of and experience with news media and social media
  • Analytical and business-oriented
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