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در کلیپ بورد کپی شد
همه پیشنهادات 1
همه پیشنهادات
IT > System Administrator
همه پیشنهادات 2
💻 IT
اشتراک گذاری

System Administrator

از راه دور
💻 IT
💻 IT
System Administrators typically work for corporations across industries to ensure that employees have secure and efficient computer systems to fulfill their daily job responsibilities. They work closely with IT personnel and company employees to update systems, address security breaches and help troubleshoot issues. Their job is to plan for problematic situations and create procedures to restore computer systems and their functionality. They may also be responsible for coding systems or updating programs by altering code strings if necessary.
یک System Administrator چه می کند؟
A System Administrator, or Systems Administrator, is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and security of company intranets and computer systems. Their duties include installing antivirus or malware protection software, responding to employee concerns or drafting documents to help employees use computer systems and coordinating with company leadership to determine new technologies that could enhance their company’s computer systems.
مسئولیت ها
A System Administrator باید بتواند وظایف و مسئولیت‌های مختلفی را انجام دهد. موارد زیر برخی از وظایف و مسئولیت‌هایی است که یک System Administrator باید بتواند انجام دهد:
  • Setting up new users and giving them access to the intranet
  • Managing and maintaining the file servers
  • Operating the firewall for the organization
  • Monitoring the internet connection for security risks
  • Employing the latest security protocols
  • Monitoring the local area network (LAN) for threats or errors
مهارت های مورد نیاز
نام رقابتی دارای مهارت‌ها و صلاحیت‌های خاصی است، از جمله:
  • Ability to solve problems in stressful situations
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to explain technical concepts to inexperienced users
  • Time management skills
پیشنهادات مشابه
اگر برای موقعیت‌های مرتبط با System Administrator استخدام می‌کنید، به شرح وظایف ما برای نقش‌های مشابه مراجعه کنید:
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