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دیگر > Risk Manager
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اشتراک گذاری

Risk Manager

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Risk Managers typically work for corporations across industries to ensure they make smart business decisions to promote their company’s longevity. They work closely with risk management personnel and company Executives to identify risks and develop strategies to prevent potentially harmful activities or practices. Their job is to uphold their employer’s success by thinking about how current company practices could affect their employer in the future. They may also be responsible for investigating instances of fraud or unethical work practices to determine whether their employer needs to take immediate action.
یک Risk Manager چه می کند؟
A Risk Manager, or Risk Assessment Manager, is responsible for determining the types of risks that could affect a company’s financial health, legal compliance or reputation. Their duties include communicating with company leadership personnel, Department Managers or legal staff, reviewing operational procedures, employee data or market trends and presenting their findings to upper management personnel.
مسئولیت ها
A Risk Manager باید بتواند وظایف و مسئولیت‌های مختلفی را انجام دهد. موارد زیر برخی از وظایف و مسئولیت‌هایی است که یک Risk Manager باید بتواند انجام دهد:
  • Review and give an assessment of all suspicious account activity
  • Conduct research into possible fraud and report on any findings
  • Investigate potential risks and assess those risks
  • Report on any risks to the risk management director
مهارت های مورد نیاز
نام رقابتی دارای مهارت‌ها و صلاحیت‌های خاصی است، از جمله:
  • Financial knowledge: A Risk Manager is someone who should have a financial background with working with assets, markets, resources and funding.
  • Computer skills: Risk Managers should be able to work with financial databases.
  • Communication skills: Risk Managers need to talk with stakeholders about risks and how to stop risks.
  • Detail-oriented: A Risk Manager should be meticulous about keeping records and recording risk data.
  • Enterprise resource planning: Risk Managers should be able to use the resources at their disposal wisely and frugally.
پیشنهادات مشابه
اگر برای موقعیت‌های مرتبط با Risk Manager استخدام می‌کنید، به شرح وظایف ما برای نقش‌های مشابه مراجعه کنید:
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