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مهندسی > Chemical Engineer
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اشتراک گذاری

Chemical Engineer

از راه دور
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💥 مهندسی
Chemical Engineers are often employed in a laboratory environment to improve and refine chemical manufacturing methods. Chemical Engineers implement safety procedures to limit risk when working with volatile chemicals and heavy machinery, creating and testing new tools for properly developing a medication, household product or tech device. Their role is to apply biology and chemistry concepts to a manufacturing or processing environment within the scope of safety regulations. Chemical Engineers travel to different work sites to instruct and train manufacturers, collect samples to study, update processes and troubleshoot problems at production facilities.
یک Chemical Engineer چه می کند؟
Chemical Engineers, or Process Engineers, oversee the process of converting raw materials into new products in fields such as environmental conservation, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, energy and consumer manufacturing. Their duties include designing procedures to isolate different chemical elements and reconfigure them, testing the resulting products and designing equipment setups for optimal safety and efficiency.
مسئولیت ها
A Chemical Engineer باید بتواند وظایف و مسئولیت‌های مختلفی را انجام دهد. موارد زیر برخی از وظایف و مسئولیت‌هایی است که یک Chemical Engineer باید بتواند انجام دهد:
  • Developing manufacturing processes that minimize waste and increase the quality of finished products
  • Monitoring and testing processes and products found in all phases of production
  • Developing and implementing safety procedures for staff working with hazardous materials
  • Designing, planning and implementing the layout of manufacturing equipment to optimize production and decrease costs
  • Staying up to date with new and emerging manufacturing processes
  • Creating and presenting cost analysis reports to upper management
مهارت های مورد نیاز
نام رقابتی دارای مهارت‌ها و صلاحیت‌های خاصی است، از جمله:
  • Ability to apply chemical principles in new and creative ways
  • Expert knowledge of chemical components, solutions and mixtures
  • Understanding of safe handling procedures of all chemicals, including hazardous materials
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Superior math skills, including physical and chemical math equations and theories
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work effectively as a team with other staff members
پیشنهادات مشابه
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