Fight to bring beautiful colors back to a hand-crafted world of darkness and discover the story of Europa, a young warrior, and her ghostly childhood companion, Apino.
For 9 long years, the world has been submerged in the deepest of shadows, robbing every object and living creature of their color. Once a thriving civilization, the people have forgotten the warmth of the sun, the joy of laughter and the promise of a prosperous future.
Many brave souls have tried to venture inside the corrupting depths of Talos Castle, a long-abandoned orphanage from which the curse stemmed, but with each futile attempt, resignation became the daily fare for the people, all hope lost. Except for one person.
Armed with little other than her halberd and sheer nerve, Europa’s
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برای شروع کسب درآمد با بازی 9 Years of Shadows باید بازی را با استفاده از برنامه Paidwork دانلود کنید. برای شروع،
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