Ingeniería > Quality Engineer
Quality Engineer
Quality Engineers are typically employed at companies and organizations that develop physical or digital products. They’re involved with the process of product design and development, creating protocols for production teams to follow that result in high-quality products. The role of a Quality Engineer is to implement effective quality controls, teach production staff how to use them and supervise outcomes. Quality Engineers design automated testing systems and quality control workflows to improve the efficiency of the quality assurance process. They collect data about instances of product errors and investigate possible solutions by troubleshooting the manufacturing or design process.
A Quality Engineer, or QA Engineer, is responsible for determining production standards for a company’s products by establishing quality control systems and setting product requirement rules. Their duties include identifying the specifications for an ideal product, determining an appropriate level of variation and monitoring quality assurance rates.
Un Quality Engineer debe ser capaz de cumplir con varias funciones y responsabilidades. Las siguientes son algunas funciones y responsabilidades que un Quality Engineer debe ser capaz de ejecutar:
- Determining quality improvement factors
- Implementing methods to inspect, test and evaluate the reliability of manufacturing processes, products and production equipment
- Making sure processes adhere to quality standards
- Preparing reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing data
- Working in accordance with deadlines for delivery of products or software
Un Quality Engineer competitivo tendrá ciertas habilidades y calificaciones, incluyendo:
- Strong knowledge of relevant software, quality assurance methods, tools and quality manufacturing processes
- Math skills
- Attention to detail
- Analysis, critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Ability to handle stress
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