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Gesundheit > Psychiatrist
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💊 Gesundheit


💊 Gesundheit
💊 Gesundheit
Psychiatrists work at hospitals, mental health clinics and private practices to provide care to people with mental health conditions. They often work alongside a Psychologist to combine medication with cognitive or behavioral therapy as part of a mental health treatment plan. Psychiatrists meet with patients and evaluate their behavior by asking questions and administering psychological tests. They determine the possible causes of disordered behavior, decide if a patient could benefit from medication and explain the process of starting a new psychiatric medication. Psychiatrists closely observe the progress of their patients to determine the impact of different treatments and make adjustments.
Was macht ein Psychiatrist ?
A Psychiatrist, or Psychiatric Doctor, is a mental health professional responsible for diagnosing and treating psychiatric disorders, usually through medication. Their duties include studying mood, personality and behavioral disorders, discussing symptoms with patients to determine a diagnosis and prescribing medication to correct chemical imbalances in the patient’s brain.
Ein Psychiatrist sollte in der Lage sein, verschiedene Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten zu erfüllen. Im Folgenden sind einige Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten aufgeführt, die ein Psychiatrist ausführen können sollte:
  • Use a variety of methods to evaluate a patient, such as interviewing the patient, their family or other persons.
  • Develop a treatment plan according to the needs of the patient’s needs and extent of emotional, social, cognitive, developmental or behavioral disorder.
  • Treat a patient using psychotherapeutic methods and medication, monitoring the effects of any medication and adjusting treatment where necessary.
  • Consult with the patient’s Primary Care Physician, Nurses or other health care providers.
  • Provide crisis intervention when needed.
  • Write and maintain patient and clinical records, including the type of treatment and medication administered.
Benötigte Fähigkeiten
Ein wettbewerbsfähiger Psychiatrist verfügt über bestimmte Fähigkeiten und Qualifikationen, darunter:
  • Sensitivity and perceptiveness
  • Deductive and inductive reasoning skills
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Listening skills
  • Ability to remain calm under stress
  • Empathy and compassion
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