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Direct Support Professional

⚡ Unterstützung
⚡ Unterstützung
While not all employers require it, a Direct Support Professional usually needs a high school diploma or equivalent. Vocational schools and community colleges also offer postsecondary non-degree award programs. A Direct Support Professional may be trained in housekeeping tasks or learn basic safety techniques, including how to respond to emergencies. If state certification is required, specific training may be needed.
Was macht ein Direct Support Professional?
A Direct Support Professional, or Direct Support Care Professional, cares for individuals experiencing developmental or intellectual disabilities or illnesses. Their main duties include helping patients complete basic housekeeping tasks, transporting patients to appointments or other social outings and keeping patients safe from potential health hazards in their surrounding environment.
Ein Direct Support Professional sollte in der Lage sein, verschiedene Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten zu erfüllen. Im Folgenden sind einige Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten aufgeführt, die ein Direct Support Professional ausführen können sollte:
  • Assisting clients with daily personal tasks, including bathing and dressing
  • Completing housekeeping tasks such as vacuuming, washing dishes and tidying
  • Helping plan client appointments and organize a schedule
  • Organizing with transportation arrangements to appointments
  • Shopping for groceries and preparing meals that meet specific client dietary needs
  • Encouraging client engagement in social networks and communities
Benötigte Fähigkeiten
Ein wettbewerbsfähiger Direct Support Professional verfügt über bestimmte Fähigkeiten und Qualifikationen, darunter:
  • Attention to detail, especially when adhering to specific protocols and rules while carefully following instructions to care for the needs of the client
  • Integrity to ensure clients feel safe and comfortable when tending to personal activities such as helping them bathe
  • Trustworthiness and dependability so clients and their families feel comfortable relying on them
  • Interpersonal skills when working with clients, including having compassion and being sensitive to their emotional needs when they are in extreme distress or pain
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