A Retail Buyer allows retailers to meet customer demand with products that appeal to their target market. When they excel at performing Retail Buyer job duties, they allow retail stores to purchase highly desirable goods at the lowest possible prices and sell them for a profit. Skilled Retail Buyers help retailers avoid the costs associated with storing and selling off excess inventory. By choosing products that shoppers can benefit from, they increase customer satisfaction and encourage customer loyalty. Their guidance also aids sales managers and marketing and merchandising professionals, allowing for a unified approach to promoting, presenting and selling goods that contribute to the overall success of stores.
Hvad gør en -NAVN-?
A Retail Buyer, or Buyer, selects the goods that a retail store sells. They track consumer trends, locate suppliers and negotiate prices.
Et Retail Buyer bør være i stand til at udføre forskellige pligter og ansvar. Følgende er nogle pligter og ansvarsområder en Retail Buyer bør kunne udføre:
Seeking out new suppliers and building relationships
Reviewing and evaluating the current offerings available from suppliers
Determining which goods to purchase and in what quantities
Negotiating purchase terms with suppliers
Analyzing inventory data to identify strong and weak sellers
Advising marketing and merchandising departments on the best ways to display and promote items
Nødvendige færdigheder
En konkurrencedygtig Retail Buyer vil have visse færdigheder og kvalifikationer, herunder:
Thorough knowledge of the store’s niche and ideal customer profiles
Networking skills to find new suppliers and continue to build relationships
Decision-making skills to select items and purchase the right quantities
Written and oral communication skills to compile reports and collaborate with other departments
Negotiation skills to secure favorable pricing
Computer skills to use spreadsheet, word processing and inventory management software
Lignende tilbud
Hvis du rekrutterer til stillinger relateret til et Retail Buyer, se vores jobbeskrivelser for lignende roller: