A PACU Nurse’s primary responsibility is to ensure patients safely wake from anesthesia after surgery. They watch for and treat side effects such as difficulty breathing, agitation, nausea and trouble regaining consciousness. PACU Nurses decide if a patient is ready to leave the unit or if they need specialized care in the ICU. PACU Nurses are often the first person a patient interacts with after recovering from sedation. They provide reassurance and comfort to patients, as well as their families, who may be worried or upset following their procedure. They are also responsible for providing post-surgery care instructions for patients to follow at home.
Hvad gør en -NAVN-?
PACU Nurses are a vital part of every patient’s post-surgery recovery team.
Et Post Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse bør være i stand til at udføre forskellige pligter og ansvar. Følgende er nogle pligter og ansvarsområder en Post Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse bør kunne udføre:
Observing patients for side effects of anesthesia
Monitoring patient’s level of consciousness throughout sedation recovery
Performing post-operative tasks, such as administering medication or changing dressings
Checking and updating patient files, charts and medical records
Collaborating with surgeons, anesthesiologists, physicians and other members of the patient’s care team
Nødvendige færdigheder
En konkurrencedygtig Post Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse vil have visse færdigheder og kvalifikationer, herunder:
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Comfortable working in a high-pressure environment
Good eye for detail while monitoring patients
Ability to quickly notify medical personnel regarding abnormal side effects or changes in a patient’s condition
Proficiency with hospital management systems, such as Mediexcel and eHospital
Lignende tilbud
Hvis du rekrutterer til stillinger relateret til et Post Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse, se vores jobbeskrivelser for lignende roller: