Police Officers work on law enforcement teams to enforce local, state and federal laws. They’re typically assigned specific areas to patrol to ensure all citizens follow the law. They’ll administer warnings, citations or arrests to people who break these laws and regulations. Police Officers must also quickly respond to emergency calls and drive to the scene to assist other team members in resolving different emergency situations.
Hvad gør en -NAVN-?
The Police, or a Police Officer, keeps the public safe by investigating and preventing crimes. Their main duties include processing and making criminal arrests, writing detailed reports about various cases and taking witness statements after crimes are committed.
Et Police bør være i stand til at udføre forskellige pligter og ansvar. Følgende er nogle pligter og ansvarsområder en Police bør kunne udføre:
Maintain a constant presence in the community through regular patrols to deter crime and provide quick help when needed.
Secure crime scenes and protect evidence from tampering or loss.
Attend public events as security to help ensure peaceful attendance.
Help identify potential crime spots and activities which may result in criminal acts.
Remain vigilant regarding potential hazards or problems which could harm the public.
Apprehend those suspected of committing crimes.
Nødvendige færdigheder
En konkurrencedygtig Police vil have visse færdigheder og kvalifikationer, herunder:
Good judgment
Calm under pressure
Strong verbal communication skills
No felonies or unpaid traffic violations
Not currently under a court injunction or supervision
Lignende tilbud
Hvis du rekrutterer til stillinger relateret til et Police, se vores jobbeskrivelser for lignende roller: