One morning, Yax wakes up in an orbital station prison with his memory wiped. He doesn't know how he got there, he doesn't know why he's locked up in a prison, and he doesn't know what the implants in his head are for. So there's only one thing to do: break out of prison... and try not to die in the harsh environment of a space colony. Which will be quite a challenge, because danger lurks at every turn on the orbital station SAGA: its districts are teeming with street gangs, feral robots, backstabbing thugs, sneaky hackers, insane neurosurgeons, decadently depraved millionaires, cyber-courtesans and cannibalistic chefs. And even if Yax manages to successfully navigate his way through this labyrinth of technological crime, he's far from finished: he must discover just what dark mystery he's at the center of - and why does this secret threaten to destroy all of humanity
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