A hundred years have passed since the gate to Hell opened, deep in the Black Forest of southern Germany. The world has since been infested by beasts and fiends of all kinds, but portents tell of a greater threat on the horizon – your Witch Hunters are all that stand between humanity and certain doom.
An RPG with real-time exploration and turn-based tactical combat, Hexxen: Hunters takes you to a dark alternate history where the fate of the world rests on your shoulders. Liberate a remote hamlet from the clutches of an evil cult and establish your base of operations, developing it to arm your Hunters with everything from weapons and alchemical concoctions to arcane research and magical devices. Train your Hunters to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, and prepare to sacrifice your very soul in the defense of humanity.
For at begynde at tjene penge ved at spille Hexxen: Hunters skal du downloade spillet ved hjælp af Paidwork-applikationen. For at komme i gang skal du
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Eksempel på opgave: Download et spil og nå niveau 5 inden for 3 dage for at tjene $10.00. For at komme i gang skal du vælge et tilbud eller en undersøgelse. Vi kan anbefale de fremhævede tilbud øverst på Tjen-siden. Disse opgaver er meget enkle, og mange mennesker har allerede gennemført dem med succes tidligere.
Paidwork-appen vil tjekke, om du har nået det krævede niveau i spillet, som du vil modtage penge for. Med hvert niveau vil du tjene flere penge. Når du har nået et vist niveau i Hexxen: Hunters, vil du få udbetalt penge med det samme til din Paidwork-konto. Du kan hæve dine penge via PayPal eller bankoverførsel.