Zdraví > X-Ray Technician
X-Ray Technician
An X-Ray Technician produces images that other medical professionals can use to diagnose injuries and diseases and then develop treatment plans to address health issues. When they do their jobs well, X-Ray Technicians contribute to the overall quality of care provided by a health care facility, reducing the risk of medical errors. By properly operating, maintaining and cleaning equipment, they play an important role in infection control and patient safety. Because they work directly with people undergoing medical testing, they also influence overall patient satisfaction.
An X-Ray Technician, or X-Ray Tech, performs X-ray imaging tests. Their duties include preparing patients for testing, operating X-ray machines and maintaining equipment.
X-Ray Technician by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl X-Ray Technician být schopen vykonávat:
- Interpreting the order for the test to determine what body parts need imaging
- Explaining the test to patients and positioning them to make the test possible
- Setting the controls on X-ray equipment in preparation for imaging
- Checking X-ray images and retaking them as needed to ensure clarity
- Cleaning and performing routine maintenance tasks to keep X-ray equipment operating smoothly
- Sending X-ray images to other medical providers for reading
Konkurenční X-Ray Technician bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Strong oral communication skills to provide clear instructions to patients during testing
- Critical thinking skills to interpret orders
- Problem-solving skills to troubleshoot problems with equipment
- Attentive to detail to set equipment properly and maintain accurate records
- Observational skills to spot problems with images and ensure that patients remain correctly positioned
- Computer skills to use picture archiving and communications systems and medical records software
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