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Jiný > Writer
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💎 Jiný


💎 Jiný
💎 Jiný
Writers can work for any business that needs someone to publish pieces of written work. A Writer’s primary role is to produce quality content for their employer. They can produce technical, instructional or creative content about any subject, either using a informative, persuasive or entertaining tone to accomplish a goal. Writers can interpret ideas from others or pitch their own writing prompts based on the organization’s goals. They synthesize outside information and apply it to a new context using their own words, carefully selecting the most effective vocabulary for the project. Writers edit their work for grammar, flow and organization.
Co dělá Writer?
A Writer, or Staff Writer, is in charge of expressing ideas through text according to a set of specifications or a particular style. Their duties include researching their subject, proofreading their drafts and updating a writing project based on client or Editor feedback.
Writer by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Writer být schopen vykonávat:
  • Carry out research on topics assigned to them.
  • Fact-check any data collected during the research process.
  • Create content in form of articles, blogs or papers based on the data collected from their research.
  • Develop well-researched pitches and submit to an Editor for review.
  • Read style guides or project briefs and use them to develop content for assignments.
  • Convert the information they’ve acquired into readable, easy-to-understand content tailored to their specific audience.
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Writer bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Excellent command of the English language, especially the rules of syntax, punctuation and grammar
  • Excellent research and analytical skills
  • Excellent time management and the ability to stick to deadlines
  • Good observation skills and a keen attention to detail
  • Proficiency in the use of word-processing software, including content management systems
  • In-depth knowledge of style guides
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