Science > Wildlife Biologist
Wildlife Biologist
Wildlife Biologists typically work for non-profit organizations, research laboratories or government agencies to learn more about animal species and provide valuable information about their role in an ecosystem. They work closely with other Wildlife Biologists to conduct research and perform tests on ecosystems. Their job is to help classify animal species, interact with species up close and write scientific reports based on their findings to inform those in their field and members of the public. They may also be responsible for traveling for their job to study species in their natural environments.
A Wildlife Biologist, or Fish and Wildlife Biologist, is responsible for studying animals and their ecosystems. Their duties include tagging animals and helping them relocate to areas with more resources they need, monitoring species’ populations in a certain area and working with construction companies to ensure that commercial or residential developments won’t negatively affect the species in the area.
Wildlife Biologist by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Wildlife Biologist být schopen vykonávat:
- Studying animals in their natural habitats to understand their environments
- Making recommendations about animal habitat and care and planning for wildlife environments
- Estimating plant and animal populations
- Classifying animals based on genetic data taken from animals
- Disseminating information through scientific articles and information for the public
Konkurenční Wildlife Biologist bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Strong analytical skills to analyze data
- Science skills, especially about animal and environmental subjects
- Math skills to weigh, measure and compute
- Computer skills to process data
- Equipment skills with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to find their location and that of animals
- Communication skills to speak with people about research, their experiences and advocacy for the environment
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