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Design > Video Producer
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Video Producer

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Video Producers can create any type of video content, including creative projects, commercials to market a product and corporate instructional videos. They collaborate with clients to determine the purpose of a video, then develop a plan to accomplish those goals through film, animation and editing. To ensure a successful project, video producers plan a budget and negotiate with investors to finance their labor and supply needs. Video Producers create a timeline for completing each part of a project and use that timeline to plan an overall production schedule. They’re involved with the day-to-day tasks of completing a video project such as writing and approving scripts, booking studios and film locations, directing their team and hiring Actors, Animators, Sound Technicians and Video Editors.
Co dělá Video Producer?
A Video Producer, or Film Producer, is an audiovisual specialist responsible for planning and implementing all of the elements of a video project. Their duties include securing the rights to intellectual property, managing logistics for the film set and overseeing post-production tasks like editing and video animation.
Video Producer by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Video Producer být schopen vykonávat:
  • Hires talent, negotiates contracts and schedules essential staff, such as makeup artists, camera operators, grips, editors, sound people and graphic artists
  • Directs on-screen talent
  • Writes scripts
  • Is involved with other production aspects, such as audio, visual effects and graphics
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Video Producer bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Leadership, coaching and collaboration skills to recruit negotiate, supervise and manage people
  • Aesthetic and creative skills to select stories, write stories and generate ideas
  • Analytical and decision-making skills to make business judgments
  • Time and project management skills
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