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Podpora > Valet
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A Valet helps to ensure that the valet service offered by a hotel, restaurant or other business meets or exceeds customers’ expectations. Since they are often the first people to greet arriving guests, Valets help set the tone for a visit or stay and greatly contribute to customers’ first impressions. When they complete their Valet job duties effectively, Parking Attendants reduce the risk of liability due to damaged, stolen or vandalized vehicles. They also contribute to overall safety by eliminating the need for guests to park vehicles in cramped or difficult-to-access lots.
Co dělá Valet?
A Valet, or Parking Attendant, parks and retrieves automobiles for customers and guests at hotels, restaurants and other businesses. Their duties include helping guests exit and enter their vehicles, operating automobiles and tracking vehicle locations.
Valet by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Valet být schopen vykonávat:
  • Promptly greeting guests with a welcome message
  • Opening vehicle doors for guests and aiding in the removal of luggage and personal belongings
  • Driving vehicles to designated areas and safely parking them
  • Recording parking spots and placing guests’ keys in a safe location
  • Retrieving vehicles when guests are ready to leave
  • Directing traffic in the valet area and sometimes in parking lots
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Valet bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Ability to remain upright throughout an entire shift
  • Strong customer service skills to interact professionally with guests
  • Ability to operate motor vehicles with both manual and automatic transmissions
  • Organizational skills to ensure that keys are easy to retrieve and vehicles are simple to locate
  • Knowledge of the area to answer guests’ questions
  • Ability to move heavy objects to aid in the loading and unloading of vehicles
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