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Zdraví > Triage Nurse
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💊 Zdraví

Triage Nurse

💊 Zdraví
💊 Zdraví
People visit emergency rooms, urgent care centers, outpatient clinics and physicians’ offices with a variety of concerns. Some may need immediate life-saving care, while others may have minor illnesses or injuries that require a less urgent response. A Triage Nurse is responsible for assessing the immediacy of each patient’s needs. By assigning an appropriate rating, they allow healthcare facilities and practices to appropriately prioritize patients and prepare to treat patients with dire medical needs first to improve outcomes of care. When they perform Triage Nurse job duties proficiently, they contribute to the overall standard of care and patient satisfaction.
Co dělá Triage Nurse?
A Triage Nurse, or Staff Triage Nurse, conducts initial assessments to evaluate how urgently a patient needs care. They ask questions, check vital signs and coordinate care with other medical professionals, such as nurses and physicians.
Triage Nurse by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Triage Nurse být schopen vykonávat:
  • Interviewing patients to gather information about their medical history and current symptoms
  • Checking patient height, weight, blood pressure and temperature
  • Collecting urine samples, throat cultures and other samples as needed to expedite care
  • Assigning a triage priority based on the findings of the interview and exam
  • Communicating with physicians, nurses and other members of the care team about patients’ statuses
  • Updating patient health information systems with notes
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Triage Nurse bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology and nursing care standards
  • Analytical skills to assess patient condition
  • Effective oral communication skills to interview patients and explain next steps as well as to pass information on to other members of the care team
  • Decision-making skills to quickly assign a rating
  • Ability to use medical equipment such as blood pressure monitors and to move items that may weigh up to 50 pounds
  • Strong written communication skills to record patient information clearly and concisely
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