Prodej > Territory Manager
Territory Manager
A Territory Manager’s daily tasks can range from a day of client calls to holding a conference with their sales teams to discuss changes in products or new sales goals. The success of a Territory Manager is dependent on the success of their team, leading to many managers mentoring sales associates in order to strengthen their skills. Territory Managers will regularly meet with their direct supervisor to review the performance of each sales team and associate to identify areas of improvement to target.
A Territory Manager is a sales professional responsible for overseeing a specific region their company operates in. The role requires strong sales skills along with product knowledge to empower and support their sales team in order to meet sales goals and performance metric requirements.
Territory Manager by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Territory Manager být schopen vykonávat:
- Building and maintaining a book of clients they have strong relationships with
- Attending events and entertaining clients to build rapport
- Following up with clients for feedback on their sales experience and overall satisfaction
- Creating training presentations for new hires
- Meeting with clients in-person and over the phone to stay updated on their needs
- Researching market trends to identify new potential clients and generate new leads for their sales team
Konkurenční Territory Manager bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Clear and professional verbal and written communication skills
- A thorough understanding of the products or services being solicited
- Strong interpersonal skills to build lasting relationships with key and prospective clients
- Time management skills to handle deadlines, client calls, agent coachings and collaborator meetings
- Leadership abilities to bolster sales performances and help struggling associates overcome roadblocks
- Strong problem-solving skills to quickly address client concerns or changes in directive
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