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Finance > Tax Preparer
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Tax Preparer

💰 Finance
💰 Finance
Tax Preparers work for financial institutions to provide specific tax advice and submit a person or business entity’s taxes. Their role is to produce error-free tax forms on behalf of a client to maximize their financial health. They review the past tax returns of their clients and collect new tax data to calculate how much their client owes. They give advice on future tax planning and communicate with clients about upcoming tax requirements and deadlines. Tax Preparers can upkeep an individual’s tax files or work with a business’s tax records and help distribute W-2s to employees.
Co dělá Tax Preparer?
A Tax Preparer, or a Tax Accountant, is responsible for submitting tax forms on behalf of clients to pay the appropriate amount and maximize the client’s return. Their duties include interviewing clients about their income and expenses, auditing account details and acting as a liaison between clients and the IRS.
Tax Preparer by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Tax Preparer být schopen vykonávat:
  • Informing clients or employers on the tax preparation process
  • Collecting relevant financial records, including pay stubs and income statements
  • Inputting data from financial records into tax return software or databases
  • Using applicable federal, state and local tax law to determine deductions and how much each client will pay or earn on the return
  • Completing and filing tax documents with appropriate agencies, like the IRS, state and local government entities
  • Acting as a representative for clients with applicable agencies as required
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Tax Preparer bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • In-depth knowledge of applicable tax laws, regulations and deadlines
  • Proficiency with common tax preparation, word processing and spreadsheet software applications
  • Familiarity with the tax return submission and confirmation process, including how to navigate the IRS and other government entity online platforms
  • Excellent customer service skills, including patience and flexibility
  • Great organizational skills, including time management and strategic thinking
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
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