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HR > Talent Acquisition Specialist
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🤝 HR

Talent Acquisition Specialist

🤝 HR
🤝 HR
A Talent Acquisition Specialist is a specialized member of the HR team focusing on recruiting candidates that meet the job criteria. They serve as recruitment specialists for the company, leading the strategies and procedures for all aspects of the recruitment process. The goal is to anticipate the organization’s needs based on growth, goals and change to get new employees in positions efficiently. Talent Acquisition Specialists work in all industries. As a representative of the company to potential applicants, they need to ensure a good candidate experience and convey the branding of your organization.
Co dělá Talent Acquisition Specialist?
A Talent Acquisition Specialist, or Talent Specialist, is an HR professional who sources and screens candidates that best fit the company’s future goals. Their duties include establishing hiring criteria, understanding recruiting needs and finding the right candidates.
Talent Acquisition Specialist by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Talent Acquisition Specialist být schopen vykonávat:
  • Developing policies and strategies for acquiring new talent
  • Analyzing the company’s hiring and talent needs to anticipate hiring
  • Using various channels to source candidates
  • Working with hiring managers to anticipate needs and fill positions
  • Managing the screening process, including resume screening and interviewing
  • Building relationships with applicants and past employees
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Talent Acquisition Specialist bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Understanding of HR processes and talent acquisition trends
  • Strong interpersonal skills to connect with potential candidates
  • Familiarity with applicant tracking software
  • Strong communication skills
  • Knowledge about the industry and the roles within the organization
  • Strong analytical and reporting skills
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