A Systems Analyst, or System Analyst, is responsible for determining the computing needs of a client and translating them into system specifications. Their duties include completing evaluations of hardware and software, giving advice to shareholders about their IT infrastructure and producing cost analysis of potential IT initiatives.
Systems Analyst by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Systems Analyst být schopen vykonávat:
- Training users on how to appropriately utilize their computer systems
- Writing instruction manuals for systems
- Consulting with managers to determine what role the systems play in the business
- Testing the systems on a regular basis to ensure quality and function
- Brainstorming new ways to add more functionality to systems
- Choosing and configuring the hardware and software of a system
Konkurenční Systems Analyst bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- The ability to take initiative and be self-motivated
- An adaptable and flexible attitude, allowing them to approach and solve a problem by examining it from different angles
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Written and verbal communication skills
- Strong attention to detail
- Developed skills in examination and analysis
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