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Zdraví > Surgical Technician
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Surgical Technician

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Surgical Technicians typically work for hospitals or healthcare clinics to assist with various types of surgical procedures. They work closely with Nurses and other Surgical Technicians to communicate with patients before and after surgery and ensure their health throughout procedures. Their job is to provide support to surgical teams with whatever they need and notify Surgeons if a patient’s condition begins to deteriorate. They may also be responsible for assisting surgical teams by taking tissue samples and other specimens during surgery for further analysis.
Co dělá Surgical Technician?
A Surgical Technician, or Surgery Technician, is responsible for assisting with surgical procedures in an operating room. Their duties include gathering and organizing all surgical tools needed for a procedure, monitoring a patient’s vital signs throughout surgical procedures or assisting surgical teams by handing them tools and re-sterilizing the operating room post-surgery.
Surgical Technician by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Surgical Technician být schopen vykonávat:
  • Setting up the instruments and equipment that is required for the procedure
  • Sterilizing equipment and taking an inventory to ensure there are enough supplies for surgery
  • Preparing the patient for surgery
  • Passing the Surgeon instruments and sterile supplies throughout the operation
  • Taking a count of all surgical instruments and supplies prior to the operation
  • Recounting surgical instruments and supplies at the end of the operation
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Surgical Technician bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Surgical Technicians require the ability to use their hands quickly and with precision.
  • The ideal candidate must be an honest and ethical person in order to work in this position based on trust.
  • Keeping operating rooms sterile requires a keen attention to detail.
  • Surgical Technicians need communication skills to adequately relay any and all relevant patient details to all members of the surgical team.
  • An effective Surgical Technician must have good listening skills in order to comprehend and quickly respond to the needs of the surgical team during a procedure.
  • A good memory is necessary in order to avoid the repetition of lengthy explanations for tasks that need to be completed.
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