Transport > Supply Planner
Supply Planner
Supply Planners work for businesses in all types of industries, including manufacturing, retail and pharmaceutical companies. Their goal is to maintain efficient supply chain operations by having the right amount of inventory on hand. Their predictions help the company avoid having too little inventory, which causes shortages, and too much inventory, which can result in a lack of space or tie up too much money. They crunch numbers, monitor inventory and make predictions to determine how much stock to have on hand, which can fluctuate frequently due to changes in demand.
Supply Planners take an analytical approach to planning for inventory levels.
Supply Planner by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Supply Planner být schopen vykonávat:
- Tracking the company’s current inventory
- Analyzing available data from demand planning, inventory reports and other resources
- Recommending changes to the way the company handles inventory
- Anticipating factors that might influence demand, such as seasonal slowdowns or upcoming promotions
- Maintaining enough inventory to meet demands without overstocking
- Negotiating with vendors and suppliers
Konkurenční Supply Planner bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Strong understanding of the supply chain process
- Problem-solving and analytical skills
- Strong communication skills to interact with vendors, suppliers, customers and other supply chain team members
- Attention to detail and ability to focus on numbers for long periods
- Sound judgment using available data
- Ability to count inventory and sometimes move heavy objects while monitoring and managing the current inventory
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