Zdraví > Sterile Processing Technician
Sterile Processing Technician
A Sterile Processing Technician helps healthcare facilities maintain a high standard of care. By completing sterile processing technician job duties, they give physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, therapists and other members of the care team access to the tools, instruments, devices and personal protective equipment needed to deliver patient care and adhere to infection control and safety guidelines. A technician also inspects for signs of excessive wear and tear or damage on devices, equipment and tools to reduce the risk of medical errors and minimize delays during medical procedures.
A Sterile Processing Technician, or Central Service Technician, plays a critical role in the sanitation and infection control efforts of a healthcare facility. Their duties include sterilizing instruments and equipment, processing and maintaining inventory and fulfilling supply requests.
Sterile Processing Technician by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Sterile Processing Technician být schopen vykonávat:
- Preparing medical equipment and instruments for decontamination
- Operating equipment to clean, disinfect and decontaminate surgical instruments, medical devices and equipment
- Inspecting instruments and equipment for signs of damage and wear and tear
- Unpacking, checking and stocking new equipment, instruments and devices
- Delivering equipment and supplies to all areas of the facility
- Responding to emergency supply requests during surgical procedures
Konkurenční Sterile Processing Technician bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Extensive knowledge of the best practices for infection control, hazardous waste disposal and emergency preparedness
- Keen attentiveness to detail to monitor working conditions, inspect equipment and oversee the decontamination process
- Organizational skills to efficiently fulfill supply requests
- Familiarity with a wide range of surgical instruments, medical devices and equipment
- Dexterity to operate equipment used for decontamination and sterilization
- Experience using databases to look up infection control procedures as needed
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