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Solution Architect

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💥 Inženýrství
Solution Architects typically work for corporations across industries, but they can also work for specialized IT or software firms to perform outsourced work. They communicate with their team members to determine the best methods to overcome business problems using computer software. Their job is to meet with clients or business management to determine current concerns for the company and identify how the implementation of computer systems can help solve problems. They may also be responsible for identifying future business needs and preemptively planning for system integrations or changes.
Co dělá Solution Architect?
A Solution Architect, or IT Solution Architect, is responsible for using their knowledge of computer systems to help their employer solve business problems. Their duties include working closely with IT professionals to develop and integrate computer systems, reviewing existing systems to identify areas for improvement and monitoring the outcome of new or upgraded systems on business operations.
Solution Architect by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Solution Architect být schopen vykonávat:
  • Conducting an evaluation of the computer system architecture with an emphasis on the design
  • Analyzing the system throughout the enterprise system
  • Creating and maintaining or enhancing procedures, processes and designs for a computer system
  • Ensuring that the application architecture team can deliver system solutions for computer architecture.
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Solution Architect bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Identifying, testing and managing risk: They must identify and evaluate the risk to eliminate or mitigate risk in a computer system or network.
  • Knowledge of software development process and technical skills: Solution Architects must know the technical aspects of projects to identify risks, propose immediate solutions and provide guidance for the computer system solutions.
  • Communication skills: To communicate with all collaborators such as software engineers, management, clients and vendors, they must convey technical language to others often in non-technical terms.
  • Project management skills: To manage and train staff for software projects and computer architecture projects in a team environment.
  • Organizational and time management skills: To keep projects on schedule and within budget.
  • Broad knowledge: Of computer software, hardware and computer languages.
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