A Set Designer, also called a Scene Designer or Stage Designer, designs sets that serve as settings for theatrical productions, television shows and films. Some duties frequently included in a Set Designer job description are reading scripts and conducting research, creating blueprints and models for sets and overseeing the set construction process.
Set Designer by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Set Designer být schopen vykonávat:
- Estimating the cost of set construction and sourcing building materials within budget
- Researching specific periods, cities and countries and using that knowledge to inform designs
- Producing blueprints, schematics and models for sets and revising them based on feedback from the production team
- Coordinating with the Designers responsible for props, costumes, makeup, set decoration, lighting and sound to ensure cohesiveness
- Supervising the construction process so finished sets meet established specifications
- Inspecting finished sets to confirm they’re operable and safe
Konkurenční Set Designer bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- Knowledge of design principles, construction methods and building materials
- Creative thinking and research skills to develop historically accurate, innovative set designs
- Communication skills to collaborate with the production team and provide clear instructions to Set Carpenters, the cast and crew members
- Computer skills for using computer-aided design (CAD), graphics imaging, object-oriented development (OOD), project management, spreadsheet and other software
- Time management skills to ensure sets are ready by established deadlines
- Leadership skills to delegate tasks and direct the activities of Assistants, Carpenters and other design team members
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