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Service Advisor

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💎 Jiný
Service Advisors typically work for car dealerships or automotive repair shops to act as liaisons between service staff and customers. They work closely with Service Technicians to determine pricing for repairs and explain the reasoning for repair costs to customers. Their job is to help customers take advantage of repair deals and learn about warranty programs. They may also be responsible for maintaining repair schedules and ordering car parts for Service Technicians.
Co dělá Service Advisor?
A Service Advisor, or Automotive Service Advisor, is responsible for communicating with customers about their vehicle repair needs and relaying information to the Service Technicians. Their duties include greeting customers and helping them determine repairs and relevant costs, maintaining up-to-date knowledge about their employer’s range of services and contacting customers to update them about their vehicle’s repair status.
Service Advisor by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Service Advisor být schopen vykonávat:
  • Greeting customers and directing them to an available technician
  • Consulting with technicians about needed repairs and alternatives that can be offered in place of expensive repairs
  • Answering customer questions about service outcomes and consulting with technicians when necessary
  • Informing customers about potential cost savings and warranty protections
  • Assisting customer with deciding to fix their car through the dealership’s shop or trading the vehicle in
  • Overseeing and managing the service center’s scheduling and workflow
Požadované dovednosti
Konkurenční Service Advisor bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
  • Customer service skills: Service Advisors deal with suppliers, provide estimates and schedule appointments, so being courteous and friendly is essential. They also need to be able to handle customer complaints diplomatically and politely.
  • Communication skills: As a liaison between the customer and technician, a Service Advisor needs to be able to clearly explain the technician’s repair recommendations to customers while communicating customer needs to technicians.
  • Engineering and mechanical expertise: Having extensive knowledge in these areas is essential when looking over complex technical documents, ordering online and speaking with technicians.
  • Comprehension skills: Service Advisors should be able to comprehend customers questions and concerns as well as what is being said when technicians give complex service recommendations.
  • Troubleshooting skills: Service Advisors need to be able to think on their feet and quickly resolve issues when customers change their minds about service work, repairs are running behind schedule or parts arrive late.
  • Math and writing skills: Service Advisors prepare and calculate estimates so having good math and writing skills are an essential part of the job.
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