Gastronomy > Seafood Clerk
Seafood Clerk
A Seafood Clerk serves as the face of their department or store. They help customers form a positive first impression by being friendly and attentive, and they help to ensure customer satisfaction by answering questions and making recommendations. When they perform their job duties proficiently, they can drive repeat business and encourage positive word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, a Seafood Clerk helps to reduce the risk of foodborne illness by keeping their work areas clean and sanitary.
A Seafood Clerk, or Seafood Associate, serves a key customer service role in grocery stores, specialty stores and fishmonger retail establishments. Their duties include waiting on customers, replacing stock and cleaning their workstations.
Seafood Clerk by mělo být schopné plnit různé povinnosti a odpovědnosti. Níže jsou uvedeny některé povinnosti a odpovědnosti, které by měl Seafood Clerk být schopen vykonávat:
- Fielding questions about different types of seafood and cooking techniques
- Recommending products to customers
- Retrieving fresh seafood from display cases, weighing, packaging and pricing it
- Rotating the stock in the display case, refrigerators and freezers
- Assisting with the cutting and processing of seafood as needed
Konkurenční Seafood Clerk bude mít určité dovednosti a kvalifikaci, včetně:
- In-depth knowledge of cooking techniques and the characteristics of various types of seafood
- Ability to operate scales and use knives, cutters and other equipment
- Interpersonal skills to work well with coworkers and interact positively with customers
- Interviewing skills to uncover customers’ preferences when making recommendations
- Oral communication skills to provide answers to customers’ questions
- Familiarity with food and occupational safety standards
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